Friday, January 1, 2016

Needs and Provision

A new year has once again come upon us. For many it was an excuse to celebrate, drink in excess and party in unfavorable ways. Others celebrated still, but with more control and appropriateness. Personally, the dog and I went to bed early so we could make a delivery the next day.

Like many events, many of us celebrate differently. But there is one thing that almost all of us have in common with the coming of a new year. We may not be vocal about it; we may even deny we participate in it. It is something that in one way or another, in some fashion, we all do: new years resolutions. And we all know the gamete of choices made, from eating less and loosing weight to exercising more at the gym. Or maybe its to save more money, or spend more time with the family. What ever it is, this time of year seems to be the one time where almost if not everyone makes "life changing" decisions. Sadly though, few (including myself) are successful at keeping them as the new year wears on.

This has lead me to really think about the important things in life and where my priorities have landed. 2015 brought many big changes for me and my family. From the job change that really took off in January, to a cross-country move, the birth of our first child just to name a few, somewhere along the line I have dropped in priority the things that are most important. Leading my family, controlling my temper, committing myself to study of the Word on a consistent basis. To some these may not seem like big things, but for me they are vitally important simply because they signify a loss of understanding something everyone needs.

You see, every life needs four things. It doesn't matter who you are, what your gender is, where you live or come from, or what you do. Your age isn't a factor, and neither are your experiences. Everyone, regardless of every specific you can think of requires these four things to live: direction, reality, sustenance and a destination. Without a provision to these four needs a person remains stagnant and unproductive. Additionally, the wrong provisions to these four needs can result in a wrecked life and potential injury to those around you.

And this is my struggle, one that in all honesty I convinced myself was just a "phase" that would correct itself (talk about denial): the provision I was relying on for those four needs was not right. I had lost focus on what was of primary importance, and more importantly who. My focus had shifted to material things, and thinking that I could solve my own problems. Frankly, this is the mindset of much of the world today, and even many of the religions when you break them down. I knew my faith didn't support this thinking. It struck me as funny when a verse I have known my entire life came to mind and so simply answered the needs I listed. It isn't complicated, but it is profound.

"Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father except through me.'" - John 14:6

Jesus in answering another man's question, answered mine. He provides direction, reality, sustenance and a destination. No other person can do this. Jesus also makes it clear that what He offers is exclusive; any other path does not result in heaven being your destination, contrary to what pop-culture and other religions say. Jesus is it. That is exactly what I needed reminded of.

I don't know, but maybe you are in a similar boat I found myself in. Maybe you have never met Jesus, despite going to church or growing up in a "Christian" family. Don't be fooled, those things don't make you a believer, much like sitting in a garage doesn't make you a car. Maybe you are like me, and have realized the direction you have been heading isn't getting you where you want to be. The answer isn't complicated.

It's a new year, and a perfect time to set things straight. I invite you to accept the provision to our needs through Jesus Christ. This doesn't "fix" every problem or stop every suffering, let's not get a warped idea of following Christ. He does though provide the grace and mercy to walk through the fire. And He promises a destination greater than anything you can imagine. All He requires is belief in His atoning sacrifice upon the cross in our place. It's been done for everyone, but only those who accept it as their own and surrender their life to Him in obedience to follow Him are granted the destination of heaven.

So I end with this: looking for a new direction with the turn of 2016? You don't have to look any more. All you have to do is decide.